King Edward's School, Birmingham Cricket Records

108 X. - APPEARANCES IN FIRST-CLASS CRICKET WARWICKSHIRE C L Breeden 1910 J A Claughton 1979-1980 H T Crichton 1908 A C Curle 1920: R Brooke and D Goodyear, A Who's Who of Warwickshire County Cricket Club (1989) say educated at Leamington College, also played for Rhodesia 1922-1923. G Curle 1913 L C Docker 1881-1895 (f/c 1894-1895); also Derbyshire 1881-1885, member of A Shrewsbury's team touring Australia 1887-1888. K G Kent 1927-1931 B Lobb 1953; also Somerset 1955-1969 J Manton 1898 (1 match, captain) G A Pell 1947 S H Richardson 1920; also Nottinghamshire 1925: Brooke and Goodyear do not mention his school. Anurag Singh 1995-2000, also Worcestershire 2001-2003, Nottinghamshire 2004-2006 A C Smith 1958-1974 (capt 1968-74). England 1962-63 (6 Tests). I W Smith 1905 M A Wagh 1997-2006, also Nottinghamshire 2007-2011 O S Wheatley 1957-1960; also Free Foresters 1956, Glamorgan 1961-70 (capt 1961-66), Gentlemen. R Williams 1897-1898, also London County 1902, Gentlemen 1905; Brooke and Goodyear say educated at KEGS Camp Hill. Brooke & Goodyear also list as educated at KES: H B G Hill 1894-1900 (born 1861), also 1890-1893 non f/c. J E Hill 1894-1898 (born 1867) also 1890-1893 non f/c. ("Hill" played for KES in 1881 and 1883 - no initials are given.) WORCESTERSHIRE H G Bache 1907-1910 E S Baker 1933-1934 H L Higgins 1920-1927 B C C Tipper 1919 J W C Turner 1911-1921 (P Thorn, Worcestershire Cricketers 1899-1974 does not record him as educated at KES)