King Edward's School, Birmingham Cricket Records

18 Year I NO R HS A J P P Cornick (4) 2008 [11] 305 63 27.72 2009 [9] 894 138* 99.33 20 2010 [15] 537 140 35.80 2011 [12] 813 125 67.75 J S Crawford (1) 1984 20 2 356 60* 19.77 A C D Crossley (1) 1985 20 4 303 55 18.93 C A Crowdy (1) 1969 13 1 411 95 34.25 M W Davis (1) 1966 19 0 350 91 18.42 M M Dean (2) 1989 22 1 559 132 26.61 1990 17 1 509 79* 31.81 M J Disney (1) 1957 17 0 304 85 17.88 M R Dunbar (1) 1992 22 3 633 83 33.31 E W Elwood (2) 1927 12 3 341 141* 37.88 1928 15 3 449 69* 37.41 G W Fenney (1) 1974 16 3 334 57* 25.69 S J Fowler (2) 1978 19 1 327 99 18.16 1979 18 0 441 59 24.50 T G Freeman (2) 1937 12 0 318 96 26.50 1938 13 0 502 98 38.61 S C Gateley (2) 2008 [15] 409 66(?) 27.26 2009 [13] 331 78 25.46 A Gatrad (1) 2005 [16] 309 61 19.31 A M Georgevic (1) 2015 15 1 321 71* 22.92 S Gilbert (1) 1968 13 4 332 66* 36.88 M J Goodall (1) 1989 22 3 627 90 33.00 E Goodwin (1) 1895 24 2 313 60 14.22 P A Gough (2) 1950 18 3 301 60 20.06 1951 18 4 582 82* 41.57 R A Green (1) 1960 19 7 315 46 26.25 T Gupta (1) 2016 12 6 352 46 58.66 J E T Harper (1) 1960 18 0 411 76 22.83 J G Harrison (1) 1948 17 0 377 58 22.17 S D Heath (1) 1985 18 1 717 106* 42.17 H L Higgins (2) 1910 19 5 437 70* 31.21 1911 11 3 327 85* 40.87 A P Hitchins (2) 1986 18 0 550 62 30.55 1988 15 2 428 95 32.92 C E Hitchins (1) 1991 13 5 448 65 56.00 P I Hockley (1) 1989 22 0 363 60 16.50 A P S Holmes (2) 2001 15 1 364 93 26.00 2003 [10] 366 66* 36.60 G C Holt (1) 1973 17 0 316 58 18.58 A J Homer (2) 1949 16 6 422 78* 42.20 1950 17 3 420 114* 30.00 B C Homer (2) 1952 17 4 425 110* 32.69 1953 18 5 378 63* 29.07 20 The Chronicle records that if runs scored in 20/20 matches are counted, Cornick scored over a thousand runs in 2009.