The Twelfth Man 2011
6 Michael Parkinson, one of our Patrons, as Guest of Honour at the Christmas Sunday Lunch, and there are plans for a Spring Dinner to be addressed by a speaker of international renown. I wish to thank all of those members who so generously give their time, talent – and money – to the work of the Society. Much of this is anonymous... a quiet approach to the Treasurer’s bench with £25 donations to pay the rent for a meeting. Please continue this if you can. I am grateful for the unswerving support I have received throughout another year from our Committee – Vice- Chairman Ron Firth and Secretary Mick Pope are complete all-rounders who really could turn their hands to any task, and Treasurer Roy Foster is the man who walked into a nightmare four years ago and never flinched: you only have to look at the grief other societies have in finding treasurers to realise what a gem Roy is. He and Independent Examiner Tony Perry and are the team who helped us to restore order out of chaos. Membership Secretary Beryl Ambler gets through far more work than her title implies – but do please help Beryl by ensuring that your stand-orders are up to date. Your Committee will NOT be recommending to AGM any increase in subscriptions, but do please pay at the present rate. John Ambler continues to mastermind the coaching courses – and wasn’t he good in the BBC TV programme about Wentworth Hall? John and his team of Darren Crossland, Mark Hinchliffe, Brian Marsh, Christian Musgrave, Simon Potter and Sam Wilson are the ones who really deliver the ‘mission’ of our Society. Jean Auty and Margaret Harrison continue to be the dynamic duo who spearhead the raffle meeting by meeting, and we ought to get a scooter for Margaret, who always has to scuttle back to the stage as soon as the winning tickets have been drawn so that she can take the presentation picture of the speaker for this august publication. It has been a sad year for the Wakefield car. The untimely death of Keith Aaron was a shock to all of us – and especially his travelling companions, Jack Tunnicliffe, Malcolm Cusworth and Norman Hazell, who had just dropped him off at the end of a Wombwell evening when, typically, Keith had kick-started proceedings by asking the first question. Jack is always there in Committee with patience and wisdom to nurse us onto the right track... and now he will have to soothe the fevered brow of Norman, who is in his first year as Twelfth Man Editor following the resignation of Dominic Musgrave. We thank those other men of letters – Neil Whitaker, our Minute Secretary, and Tom Hudson who writes up our fortnightly meeting reports. Colin Barker, who joined the Committee for the first time, will have much experience to bring to our deliberations. I particularly want to thank Peter Rothwell, whom I remember as Wombwell Treasurer in the 1970s. Peter, a retired Sheffield solicitor, answered my peremptory summons four years ago to return to the Committee as Honorary Solicitor for duration of present emergency, and he has been an absolute brick. Without all the time he has spent combing through finance papers, talking to solicitors and drafting letters I am really not sure how we would have coped. Well played, that man! My Man of the Match 2010/11? Anthony Gibson, who during an address about his father, Alan, that was both warming and heart-rending, held up in the hall once again the Cricket Writer of the Year Award that the Wombwell had presented to commentator Alan Gibson 40 years ago! We move on! Next stop the Diamond Anniversary. Thanks to the devotion of you, the members, we shall face up to the years ahead. James M.Greenfield June 2011 2010/2011 MEMBERSHIP REPORT Hope you have all had a great summer and been able to watch some good cricket even if it has been at your local clubs as Yorkshire seem to have lost their way at the moment but as John says “they will be back you can not put old heads on to young shoulders” In my report last year we had 312 full members 30 juniors 16 Patrons and Vice Presidents and 24 members who had not increased their Standing Order subscription. After a full reconciliation, we have 329 members, which include the Patrons and Vice Presidents and the members who have not increased their Standing Order subscriptions as you can see we are still showing a decline in membership but due to the coaching sessions we now have 32 Junior members. Not as many new members joined this year so once again my cry goes out for us all to fly the flag and try to get people interested, particularly younger ones, in joining the WCLS. At the last AGM we asked if any member would be willing to enter all the names and address on mail merge for easier printing of posting labels etc thanks to the sterling work of Charles Hopkinson and the grand daughter of Neil Whitaker we have now managed to join the 21 st century with our member details. Looking forward to seeing and meeting you at our winter meetings and hopefully at our special Christmas lunch. Beryl Ambler 2011 COACHING REPORT With the WCLS approaching their 60 th anniversary the Society’s coaching of youngsters is still going strong. We had 30 youngsters ranging from 8 to 17 year olds at the 2011 sessions taking advantage of the Society’s scheme. Over the years it is good to see the improvement made by the young members who having started at an early age and having progressed through the scheme are now playing and performing well in local cricket. There is a lot to be said for the coaching facilities and here I must congratulate the Bawtry Road, Sheffield for there good amenities and their services which are first class. £30.00 for a ten weeks course for 11/2 hours (9.30 to 11am) on a Sunday morning is a pretty good deal for the youngsters. As the coaching co-ordinator where would I be without the coaches who are all ECB qualified. These people, without charge, give up their time to coach the youngsters. I would like to thank Brian, Sam, Christian, Mark, Simon and Darren for all their help. Our organisation would like to say a big thank you to the parents and grandparents some who travel quite a distance to bring the lads to Bawtry Road irrespective of the weather. And finally a big thank you to the Coaching Co- ordinators secretary Beryl, she sees to the computer while I just post the letters. John Ambler
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