The Twelfth Man 2014

! 2 my walks. Brian from Wombwell, laughed as he passed me one day as I was dealing with more than three dozen in a long polite queue. So let me pledge myself to 'The Wombwell', thanking James, Ron, Mick, Brian, Brian, Beryl, John and all my good friends in this our Society. Harold ‘Dickie’ Bird, OBE A word from our President A s this great Society of ours, undoubtedly one of, if not the, oldest Cricket Society in the world goes forward into the 21st Century, I am deeply honoured to continue in office as 'our' President. Of course the year 2014 will always hold a special place in my heart having been elected President of Yorkshire County Cricket Club too. I find it hard to put into words just how happy and proud I am in my dual role. My Presidential Year with the County will surely be a busy one, busier than any previous one, for I will devote myself to helping Yorkshire achieve success, not just in the County Championship, but in the 'shorter' forms of the game too, for I know how disappointed members were at some results last season. I can promise that I'll see you all wherever Yorkshire are playing, giving my full support to Martyn Moxon and Jason Gillespie. Being County President will not restrict me to the pavilion: Oh no, I'll be strolling round the boundary looking to speak to anyone I meet. As I write this, I have just returned from a happy and successful visit to Taunton where I spotted the Horace Hazell memorial, which should please my Wakefield friend. Incidentally it was fascinating to see the way Somerset supporters 'pounced' every time I was out on one of Brother!in!arms:! WCLS%President,%pictured%with%his%good%friend% and%former%Yorkshire%batsman%Bryan%Stott%in%March%2014 ! SOCIETY PATRON SHARES ALL After years of consideration and following numerous requests, David Frith has finally collected his ‘Encounters’ essays, which appeared in The Wisden Cricketer and The Cricketer a few years ago. To this collection he has added seven new encounters and also one hundred and sixty photographs from his collection, some of which are being published for the first time. FRITH'S ENCOUNTERS is available from all usual outlets as well as direct and post free from the publisher via the website , or by calling 01273 328781, or from 21 Sackville Rd, Hove, BN3 3WA.