The Twelfth Man 2015

15 Derek Moxon Award Winner – Owen Sargison Owen has infectious enthusiasm week in week out. Sometimes this is evident with an ever- present smile, at others it is with the hard work and curiosity to ask questions aimed at finding the secrets to his own improvement. He is a great young man who is a pleasure to coach and there is no doubt that his confidence will grow and he will progress and make significant contributions to his team this summer. Derek Moxon Award Runner-Up – Korey Fletcher Korey, who started with us in 2014 as a seven- year-old and whose infectious enthusiasm belies his young years, has come a long way in the past 12 months and continues to develop and show great promise. He always listens well and tries very hard to put into practice all of the suggestions his coaches are making. It was a great winter season for this young man and we trust his elevation to Under 11 cricket will only improve his game this summer. Brian Johnston Award Winner – Lewis Pursglove Lewis is a very good listener who takes on board comments made to him and then puts them into practice, always asking questions and a good thinker, trying to work out where to attack different batsmen. A powerful striker of the ball, he will gain from playing more senior cricket this summer. Brian Johnston Award Runner-Up – Luke Pledger Luke plays with a smile and works hard on improving his techniques, listens to and also asks for advice. He has worked very hard on his bowling action this year and is much more consistent and his batting technique is gradually improving most satisfactorily. Eric Sykes Award Winner – Karan Salvi This talented young man attended the nets this year for the first time. His batting and bowling improved over the sessions and have shown signs of being top class. A natural sports player with a good work ethic, Karan will one day become a very accomplished player and we look forward to following his progress.