The Twelfth Man 2015

5 2014/15 MEMBERSHIP REPORT This has been my first year as Membership Secretary, having taken over from Beryl Ambler who has done a sterling job for several years. Having thought it would be straightforward, little did I realize that you have to be organized to undertake such a post. I am learning as I go along so obviously I'll make the odd mistake, but bear with me!! We seem to have a very hardcore membership that pay by either standing order or cheque and this is very heartening. I have also received generous donations from people in addition to their membership fees. This is a tremendous bonus for us and we at WCLS thank you for your support. Paying by standing order is easier for everyone as it cuts down on a lot of paperwork. As I said previously you need to be organised! Several people haven't renewed their membership either by choice or sometimes by forgetfulness. As a result our membership has decreased despite adding eight new members. This season I am hoping to have a recruitment drive among local clubs in my area. As I still play at the weekends it gives me the opportunity to spread the word. I have composed a flyer that I intend to take around clubs and leave a copy of our magazine in the hope we can attract more members. Finally, to echo Beryl's words, please continue to spread the word about the Wombwell so we can continue to enjoy the sport we love. Ali Saad Long-serving and retiring Membership officer, Beryl Ambler receives the Society’s thanks for her hard work from WCLS Chairman James Greenfield at the Coaching awards night, March 2015.