The Twelfth Man 2016
18 This is my first year as Wombwell’s Co-ordinator and it has been difficult year learning what was expected and what was required. I have made many mistakes, but sometimes these have to be made first to improve. I would like to pay special thanks to Andy Bennett, who organised the warm-up drills every week. I would also like to thank Beryl and John for assisting me this year. Without the help of Andy, John and Beryl I would have found this role too difficult. I would also like to thank Brian, Mark, Skip and Mick for doing the coaching this year. A special mention goes to Brian and John who continually come back now year after year. Finally, I would like to thank all the parents for coming to the nets and bringing your children and helping them to develop their cricket. The turnout for the sessions this year has been overwhelming and very pleasing. My next message is to all the young cricketers out there. Continue to work hard and this will bring its rewards. All the top professional players train hard and work on their game. If you are prepared to train and listen to your coaches and work on the areas needed to improve, then these are the players that make the best cricketers. Talent is no good without hard work and the willingness to train hard and put the hours of practice required to be the best you can be. I would like to thank Richard and his young cricketer for coming and presenting the awards again. And lastly please respect the umpires and managers and enjoy your cricket. I hope to see you all again next year. Brian Johnston Award Winner by Richard Skipworth Having been drafted in as a last minute coach, I must say that it has been an absolute pleasure to work with these junior cricketers. I have helped out for three weeks in one net and four weeks in the other. The way in which the boys have listened, tried new things and developed has been really encouraging. Each and every one of them has shown a vast improvement during the short time that we have worked with them. It would be remiss of me, not to mention the behavior and willingness to learn, which is a real credit to the parents and is much appreciated by all of the coaches. I’ve even had young men shake my hand after coaching sessions. That says to me that we are developing, not just cricketers, but real sportsmen and young men that are in tune with the values of the game. If we can see our young players, playing with a passion and a smile, then the game that we love is in safe hands. Thank you all very much for your support, I have very much enjoyed those WCLS Coaching Awards 2016 Coaching Co-ordinator’s Report – Darren Crossland
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