The Twelfth Man 2018

9 Fuller, was not able to offer his services again in 2018. The Society has thankfully been able to engage with a new local business, Redkat Design ( ) to help with the page layout/design for the 2018 issue. Thanks should also be offered to the magazine printers, City Press in Leeds, for their reliable printing and continued aftercare services. Your comments and feedback to the magazine Editor, Neil Whitaker, are always welcome. Thanks In my 30-year reflective piece in this year’s magazine I have attempted to thank all of the members, Patrons, Presidents, committee members, officials, coaches and guests that I have been fortunate enough to serve with and meet in my three decades of involvement at WCLS. As I say there: ‘simply it has been a great honour and privilege to have played some part in the last 30 years of this wonderful Cricket Society.’ Keep in touc h Please remember – outside of our excellent annual magazine and our website presence ( ) members can keep in touch with Society news and activities etc via Twitter ( @wcls1951 ) – do follow the Society if you can. A group email for WCLS members likely to attend speaker meetings is also in place. Those members who attend a few of our gatherings might want to join, in case a speaker meeting is changed or cancelled due to bad weather. Please email the Society and ask to be added to the email contact group if that might be useful to you, via . A separate Society statement about the revised General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) that came into place from May 2018 is en- closed with your membership pack. Mick Pope Hon. Secretary (Retiring)