The Twelfth Man 2018

23 large audience full of questions. These included the future of Test cricket which Mike covered eloquently and made no secret of his concerns. The upcoming test League was explained in full including 4 and 5 day tests.(Mike is still very much in favour of 5 day tests) A question about ‘Warne’s ball of the century’ to him gave us a good insight as to how Mike viewed it and also as to how Graham Gooch viewed it from the other end! A question about the IPL and Big Bash and their effects on modern cricket brought about a particular frank response with concerns which most cricket lovers also feel. The question and answer session went well into overtime and brought about lots of amusing stories mainly about Botham, Lamb and Randall etc eventually bringing a fantastic meeting to an end for what was a memorable afternoon. Yorkshire Women/ Yorkshire Diamonds Evening Representing the Yorkshire Diamonds were Jane Hildreth, General Manager of Yorkshire Diamonds, the womens squad based at Headingley, Paul Grayson their Head Coach, and Katie Levick, right-hand bat, leg-break bowler and chief wicket taker of 2017. The women’s game in Yorkshire has undergone something of a restructuring since we last received guests from the Yorkshire Womens Cricket Association and Jane spoke about that. Paul Grayson who played First class cricket for Yorkshire and Essex and then became Essex’s Head Coach from 2007 to 2015. After leaving Essex he joined Durham MCC University as their new coach and in February this year he was appointed as head Coach of Yorkshire Diamonds on a two year contract. Katie, who heralds from Sheffield, started playing aged 10 for Upper Haugh CC,and is still playing for the men’s team when not on county duty. Jane commenced her introduction with a full outline of the present ladies’ set-up at Yorkshire along with future signings which included overseas players. Jane also gave us an outline on last season which, after a promising start, didn’t quite live up to expectations. The other guests were quickly involved in the question and answer session. Katie gave us her career highlights, and Paul gave us his coaching perspective and his own background in First class cricket. The question and answer session proved to be particularly interesting covering subjects as diverse as improvement in fielding and throwing to the full house at Lord’s for the World Cup final. Christmas Lunch with Steven Patterson The Christmas lunch was enjoyed by all present and this year’s beneficiary Steven Patterson was interviewed by the President of the Cricket writers’ club and editor of the Yorkshire Year book, David Warner immediately after lunch. Patterson is a tall seamer who has been a largely unsung, but important component of the Yorkshire side which by winning back to back Championships in 2014 and 2015 finally fullfilled its potential. Hull has not produced many Yorkshire cricketers, but in Patterson the city had delivered a rangy seam bowler whose steadying influence and reliability won much professional respect. “Patto does what Patto does”, Yorkshire’s former Head Coach Jason Gillespie was fond of saying, respect for a bowler who pounded a reliable length, nipping the ball around at a pace short of 80mph. The interview was full and frank and gave us a really good insight into the life of a quality county cricketer, proving highly entertaining for the gathered assembly.