The Twelfth Man 2018

34 WCLS COACHING AWARDS 2018 Coordinator’s Report by Darren Crossland. I would like to thank all the coaches Brian, Mick, Skip, John, Dean and Mark for voluntarily giving up their time to coach the children and also praise the parents for showing interest in their own child’s development. I would also like to give Beryl Ambler a special mention who without doubt is special to me, keeps me on my toes and makes sure I continue to get things done. This year’s coaching programme had its moments, first with the adverse weather and then our hosts not accommodating us with another week to replace the one that had to be cancelled for which I can only apologise. I believe we have had some stars of the future this year and I will watch with interest to see how things develop. I would like to point out the young people need to have the right attitude and willingness to work extremely hard on their game to achieve success because talent will only get you so far. It’s hard work and dedication to succeed that counts. In light of recent events we need to enjoy the game but also have to play within the laws to ensure fair play and enjoyment for all. I sincerely hope the youngsters have enjoyed our nets and look forward to seeing them all again next year. Should you need advice my door is always open. DEREK MOXON AWARD Net One coached by Darren Crossland. The winner of the Derek Moxon award is Mohammad Mubeen Kazmi. I believe that this young lad has a very bright future in the game. He is a very good leg spin bowler who turns the ball greatly and with great variation and has a beautiful googly. He is a good thinker of the game and clearly loves playing. Also, he worked hard on his batting. I tested him as much as I could and would have liked to have spent more time with him but I noticed big improvements. He needs to go away and work at his back-foot shots. It has been a privilege to coach this young lad. Congratulations and good luck for what I am sure is a big year for him. The runner up award goes to Hakim Muzaffar, a young lad who is just fun and walks around with a happy smile on his face which is obviously a good thing and shows that he just loves the game of cricket. It was a tough decision to make but given his attitude and dedication to improve swayed me for him to be my runner up. He is a flare player who loves to attack but has worked very hard on his defence which has brought him great rewards. We worked hard on his alignment and getting him to make the adjustments which has helped his bowling. The willingness to change and improve has to be commended. His natural inswing will bring numerous awards and dividends. Continue to work hard and enjoy the game. BRIAN JOHNSTON AWARD Net Two coached by Mick Lindley The winner of the Brian Johnson award is Musa Altaf a young fellow whose ability words fail me. He came up to me one Sunday morning during training and said: “I fancy bowling a ball in net 3, I think I can bowl him out”. I asked Richard Skipworth who was running the net and said “He fancies his chances Richard and he thinks he can bowl him out”. So, we gave the young fellow the chance and what did he do, he bowled the batsman out pitching the bowl on leg stump and turning the ball hitting off stump leaving Richard and myself looking at each other speechless. He turns the ball both ways and he bats well, very well. The Runner up of the Brian Johnson award is Ralph Paterson. It’s been a good winter coaching this year in net 2 because there were players a plenty that improved giving credence to the Wombwell Cricket Lovers’ Society’s coaching programme and their coaches. I attended the coaching programme