The Twelfth Man 2018

7 T ime goes quickly and another yearly report. This year we have made a loss of £743.68 due to a purchase of two new microphones and the cost of nine paid speakers. No other Cricket Society has this number of speakers and I must thank the hard core of members for turning up and financially supporting the Society. Without this support the Society could not survive. Another plea for more members to come along to support the Society. Especially I would like to thank three people who have specially helped me. Ron Firth in organizing the Christmas dinner, pie and pea supper and helping me with the audit. Ali Saad who has a difficult job sorting out the membership and sending out the Twelfth Man. Lastly but not least Mick Pope who is always there to help but from next year he will step back a bit. Already Chris Barron has shown he will be an excellent Secretary for the Society to take Mick’s place. Brian Sanderson TREASURER’S REPORT A NOTHER year has swiftly flown by and I am happy to report that our membership is relatively stable with approximately 300 members. The reason for the approximate number is that a few of our members have not replied to my last posting asking if they still want to be members, so as I result I have omitted them from our list. Earlier this year, I went to the Council of Cricket Societies Annual General Meeting where I had the pleasure of meeting other cricket supporters from throughout the country. I listened to what they had to say and which speakers they had engaged. I can honestly say that I believe we have a strong society. We have the largest membership of all the societies who attended. Some societies have reported declining membership and are looking at different ways of recruiting new members. I still play local cricket and travelling around South Yorkshire I promote our Society. As you know, our name goes before us. Our new Secretary is revamping a brochure that, hopefully will attract a few more members to join and hopefully these will be ready for distribution at home matches. I believe our Chairman and committee in engaging speakers have, in the traditional Yorkshire manner, looked at value for money when asking speakers to come to the Wombwell and we shall continue to do so. I continue to enjoy undertaking the duties of Membership Secretary but I don’t always get it right!! Feel free to contact me if you have anything to discuss with me. My email is Ali Saad MEMBERSHIP REPORT