The Twelfth Man 2020

From Left to Right: Dave Caldicott (l) of Goole Town CC with the bust and Geoff Wellsteed (r), The matchstick bust of Dr W G Grace, Letter from MCC at Lord’s in 1969 The view from the Radcliffe Road end for non-members as well is magnificent and the sun shines on us there. Sydney Crick- et Ground was also one that pleased me. Tony, as a YCCC committee member had been given a letter of introduction to the New South Wales offices. We’d been to Brisbane to watch Australia versus West Indies and on arrival back in Sydney we were met by an official also meeting the Windies team off the same flight. we were shown round the ground and the muse- um the day before watching Australia ver- sus West Indies. What is your present day involve- ment? Well, I watch cricket as already mentioned and some league cricket. I watched a lot more when Tony was alive. I attend the meetings and functions of the cricket so- cieties, not forgetting the 364 Lunch - al- ways a highlight of the season. For many years along with other friends I’ve helped out with the mail-out for Yorkshire and the YCA and I’ve carried the bucket round collecting money for many Yorkshire play- ers’ benefit years, but these are not mod- ern-day occurrences. It seems from listening to you that cricket is a very big part of your life. Would that be true? Yes it is - a very important part of my life and became even more so after meeting Tony. It was his life, as anyone who knew him will tell you. What do you think of the modern day game? Well, the Twenty20 matches - I don’t at- tend them. And The Hundred. What? Surely that’s the number of runs in a century isn’t it? I do wish county match- es could be played in the summer and spread out over late spring, summer and early September. After this dreadful virus has moved on, it will be great to watch cricket again and be with friends and ac- quaintances who share my love and pas- sion for this wonderful game. There may be a few tears in our eyes as Yorkshire take to the field again - but at least we are good at clapping now. 20 21 Audrey Woodhouse Audrey’s favourite ground, Trent Bridge...and even better when Yorkshire won the Championship there in 2014