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Single-Wicket Match Search

These records of single-wicket matches have been compiled by Matthew Smith and Peter Griffiths, with contributions from Roger Heavens, Harry Watton and Willie Sugg.
For an explanation of terms, symbols, and classification see here.
The publication name in the source column is abbreviated. To see the full title, place your cursor over the source field.
A full list of sources may be viewed here
Search Tip
The database includes a number of matches for which the exact date is not known. Where only the year and month are known, the day is entered as 00, so in order to locate all matches for the month of January 1860, for example, it is necessary to enter the start date '1860-01-00' and end date '1860-01-31'.

Start date (date must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM)
End date (date must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM)