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Bibliog Item No: 11314
ISBN: 9781399407847
Category: biography
Examined by MC
Bill Edrich
The many lives of England's cricket great
Author: Leo McKinstrey
pub. 2024 by Bloomsbury, London
height: 24 cm; width: 16 cm. hardback
21, 250p, photographs, statistics
Bibliog Item No: 11313
Category: club history
Examined by MC
Sussex victorious in the Gillette Cup seasons 1963 and 1964
(60th anniversary of their victories)
Author: Nicholas Sharp; Edited by Roger Packham
pub. 2024 by Sussex Cricket Museum and Educational Trust, Hove
A5. paperback (with spine)
52p, photographs
Limited edition of 120 signed and numbered copies
Bibliog Item No: 11312
ISBN: 0857330411
Category: general history
When cricket was cricket
A nostalgic look at a century of the greatest game
Author: Adam Powley
pub. 2011 by Haynes Publishing
Source: https://www.amazon.com/When-Cricket-Was-Nostalgic-Greatest/dp/0857330411
Bibliog Item No: 11311
Category: tour
Examined by MC
Across the oceans
With the English cricketers to Australia and New Zealand 1861-1962
Author: Andy Collier
pub. 2018 by Andy COllier, Surrey
height: 30.5 cm; width: 21.5 cm. paperback (with spine)
530p, photographs
Limited edition of 100 signed and numbered copies
Bibliog Item No: 11309
Category: tour
Examined by MC
Across the oceans
With the English cricketers to Australia and New Zealand 1861-1962
Author: Andy Collier
pub. 2018 by Andy Collier, Surrey
height: 30.5 cm; width: 21.5 cm. hardback
530p, photographs
Limited edition of 15 signed and numbered copies in slipcase
Bibliog Item No: 11308
ISBN: 9780648185208
Category: biography; humour
Examined by MC
Smiles from the Don
Bradman the cartoon biography
Edited by James Merchant
pub. 2017 by James Merchant, Melbourne, Victoria
A4. hardback
Limited edition of 29 signed and numbered copies
A look at Don Bradman's life through published cartoons
Bibliog Item No: 11307
ISBN: 9780648185239
Category: biography
Examined by MC
The business of Bradman
The inside and outside story
Author: James Merchant
pub. 2019 by James Merchant, Melbourne
height: 30.5 cm; width: 22 cm. hardback
167p, photographs
Limited edition of 99 signed and numbered copies
Bibliog Item No: 11306
Category: biography; tour
Examined by MC
Victor Trumper's photograph album of the Australian cricket team's tour of the British Isles in 1909
Edited and compiled by John Hawkins
pub. 2005 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
height: 30 cm; width: 26 cm. hardback
44p, photographs
Limited edition of 200 numbered copies
With 20 page A5 paperback introduction, facsimile presentation inscription and facsimile of Trumper's notes
Bibliog Item No: 11305
Category: biography
Examined by MC
Victor Trumper and the golden age of Australian cricket
A pictorial record
Author: Peter Schofield, Peter Lloyd
pub. 2020 by Peter Schofield, Sydney
height: 30.5 cm; width: 22 cm. hardback
14, 451p, photographs
Limited edition of 110 signed and numbered copies bound in leather in slipcase
Bibliog Item No: 11304
Category: biography
Examined by MC
Don Bradman and the changing of the guard
A pictorial narrative
Author: Peter Schofield, Peter Lloyd
pub. 2021 by Peter Schofield, Sydney
height: 30.5 cm; width: 22 cm. hardback
24, 510p, photographs
Limited edition of 117 signed and numbered copies bound in leather in slipcase
Bibliog Item No: 11303
Category: annual; league cricket
Examined by PDG
Ribblesdale Cricket League official handbook 1998
pub. 1998
height: 13.5 cm; width: 10 cm. paperback (staple bound)
200p., statistics
Bibliog Item No: 11302
Category: annual; league cricket
Examined by PDG
Ribblesdale Cricket League official handbook 1997
pub. 1997
height: 13.5 cm; width: 10 cm. paperback (staple bound)
200p., statistics
Bibliog Item No: 11301
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician summer 2021 issue no. 194
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2021 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Bedford
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs, statistics
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/194/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11300
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician autumn 2020 issue no. 191
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2020 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Bedford
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs, scores, statistics
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/191/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11299
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician summer 2020 issue no. 190
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2020 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Bedford
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs, scores, statistics
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/190/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11298
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician spring 2020 issue no. 189
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2020 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs, statistics
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/189/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11297
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician winter 2019 issue no. 188
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2019 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs, statistics
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/188/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11296
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician autumn 2019 issue no. 187
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2019 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs, statistics
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/187/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11295
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician summer 2019 issue no. 186
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2019 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs, statistics
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/186/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11294
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician spring 2019 issue no. 185
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2019 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs, statistics
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/185/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11293
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician winter 2018 issue no. 184
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2018 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs, statistics
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/184/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11292
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician autumn 2018 issue no. 183
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2018 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs, statistics
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/183/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11291
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician summer 2018 issue no. 182
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2018 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs, statistics
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/182/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11290
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician spring 2018 issue no. 181
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2018 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs, statistics
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/181/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11289
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician winter 2017 issue no. 180
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2017 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs, statistics
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/180/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11288
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician autumn 2017 issue no. 179
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2017 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs, scores, statistics
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/179/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11287
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician summer 2017 issue no. 178
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2017 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs, statistics
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/178/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11286
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician spring 2017 issue no. 177
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2017 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/177/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11285
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician winter 2016 issue no. 176
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2016 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs, statistics
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/176/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11284
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician autumn 2016 issue no. 175
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2016 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs, statistics
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/175/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11283
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician spring 2016 issue no. 173
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2016 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/173/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11282
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician winter 2015 issue no. 172
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2015 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/172/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11281
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician autumn 2015 issue no. 171
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2015 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs, statistics
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/171/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11280
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician summer 2015 issue no. 170
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2015 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs, statistics
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/170/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11279
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician spring 2015 issue no. 169
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2015 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs, statistics
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/169/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11278
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician winter 2014 issue no. 168
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2014 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs, statistics
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/168/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11277
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician autumn 2014 issue no. 167
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2014 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs, scores, statistics
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/167/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11276
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician spring 2014 issue no. 165
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2014 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs, scores, statistics
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/165/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11275
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 7716, 8107
ISBN: 009101350X
Category: biography
Examined by PNE
Holmes and Sutcliffe
The run stealers
Author: Leslie Duckworth
pub. 1970 by Hutchinson and The Cricketer, London.
height: 22 cm; width: 14.5 cm. hardback
228 p., photographs, statistics, appendices, bibliography, index.
Statistics by Roy D Wilkinson.
Bibliog Item No: 11274
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician autumn 2013 issue no. 163
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2013 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs, scores, statistics
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/163/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11273
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician summer 2013 issue no. 162
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2013 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs, scores, statistics
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/162/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11272
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician spring 2013 issue no. 161
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2013 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs, statistics
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/161/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11271
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician autumn 2012 issue no. 159
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2012 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs, statistics
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/159/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11270
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician summer 2012 issue no. 158
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2012 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs, statistics
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/158/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11269
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician spring 2012 issue no. 157
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2012 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs, statistics
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/157/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11268
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician winter 2011 issue no. 156
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2011 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs, statistics
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/156/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11267
ISBN: 9781908165862
Category: general history
Examined by PDG
Class Peace
An analysis of social status and English cricket 1846-1962
Author: Eric Midwinter
pub. 2017 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
height: 21.5 cm; width: 13.5 cm. paperback (with spine)
146p., photographs, index
Cricket Witness: No 1
Bibliog Item No: 11266
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician summer 2011 issue no. 154
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2011 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs, statistics
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/154/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 11265
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The cricket statistician spring 2011 issue no. 153
The journal of the Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
Edited by Simon Sweetman
pub. 2011 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (staple bound)
56p., photographs, statistics
See http://archive.acscricket.com/journals/153/index.html for on-line version

There are 49 items on this page



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