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Surrey Committee Member
St. Hon. Leonard Robert Carr
The Lord Carr of Hadley

On CommitteeDeputy President 1984, President 1985, Immediate Past President 1986
Born11th November 1916 at Barnet RD
Died17th February 2012 at Hertfordshire
EducationWestminster School; Cambridge University
CricketElected Hon Life Vice-President 1984
Other SportsLawn Tennis enthusiast who umpired at Wimbledon, including taking the chair at the 1950 Men's Singles Final
BiographyPC (1963); Baron (1976)l MP (Mitcham 1950-1974, Carshalton 1974-1976)
Metallurgist, John Dale and Co
Secretary of State for Employment 1970-1972; Home Secretary 1972-1974