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Bibliog Item No: 866
Padwick Volume II 3725
Category: biography; scores and/or statistics; society/association
Examined by PDG
Vijay Hazare
Complete statistics in first class cricket
Compiled by Mohandas Menon and Shirish Konkar, Suhas Marathe
pub. 1989 by The Association of Cricket Statisticians and Scorers of India, Bombay
A5. paperback (with spine)
82p., photographs, statistics
Profiles in Statistics Series - 1
With end of the season summary and biography by Dr. Vasant Naik
Bibliog Item No: 867
Category: biography; scores and/or statistics; society/association
Examined by PDG
Complete statistics of Syed Mushtaq Ali in first-class cricket
Compiled by Atul Kahate
pub. 1989 by The Association of Cricket Statisticians and Scorers of India, Bombay
A5. paperback (staple bound)
52p., photographs, statistics
Profiles in Statistics Series - 2
With biographical sketch and the end of season summaries by Dr. Vasant Naik
Bibliog Item No: 868
Category: biography; scores and/or statistics; society/association
Examined by PDG
Complete statistics of Prof. D. B. Deodhar in first-class cricket including end of season summaries and biographical sketch
Author: Dr. Vasant Naik and Mohandas Menon, Shirish Konkar
pub. 1989 by The Association of Cricket Statisticians and Scorers of India, Bombay
A5. paperback (staple bound)
52p., photographs, statistics
Profiles in Statistics Series - 3

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