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ACS International Cricket Year Book

Bibliog Item No: 69
Padwick Volume II 0476
ISBN: 0600550133
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
ACS cricket yearbook 1986
Compiled by Peter Wynne-Thomas, Philip Bailey, John Stockwell
pub. 1986 by Newnes Books, Twickenham
height: 18.6 cm; width: 11.7 cm. paperback (with spine)
224p., photographs, statistics
First edition.
amendments in:
Cricket Statistician number 62, page 6
Bibliog Item No: 70
Padwick Volume II 0476
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
ACS international cricket year book 1988
pub. 1988 by The Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, West Bridgford
A5. paperback (with spine)
96p, statistics
Third edition.
amendments in:
Cricket Statistician number 62, page 43
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1994, pages 255, 256
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1995, page 256
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1996, page 270
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1997, page 280
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1998, page 280
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2001, page 311
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2003, page 337
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2004, page 332
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2006, page 341
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2018, page 428
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2019, page 457
Bibliog Item No: 71
Padwick Volume II 0476
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
ACS international cricket year book 1989
Compiled by Philip Bailey
pub. 1989 by The Association of Cricket Statisticians, West Bridgford
A5. paperback (with spine)
207p, statistics
Fourth edition.
amendments in:
Cricket Statistician number 67, page 47
Cricket Statistician number 68, page 42
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1994, pages 254, 255
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1995, page 256
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1996, page 270
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1997, page 280
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2000, page 287
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2001, page 311
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2003, page 337
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2004, pages 331-332
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2007, page 375
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2017, page 407
Bibliog Item No: 43
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PNE
ACS international cricket year book 1990
Compiled by Philip Bailey
pub. 1990 by The Association of Cricket Statisticians, West Bridgford
A5. paperback (with spine)
224p., statistics.
Fifth edition.
amendments in:
Sri Lanka First-Class Scores 1988-89
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1991, page 232
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1994, pages 252, 253, 254
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1995, page 256
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1996, page 269
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1997, page 280
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1999, page 283
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2003, page 337
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2004, page 331
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2010, page 419
Bibliog Item No: 42
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PNE
ACS international cricket year book 1991
Compiled by Philip Bailey
pub. 1991 by The Association of Cricket Statisticians, West Bridgford
A5. paperback (with spine)
232p, statistics.
Sixth edition.
Includes corrections to the 1990 year book.
amendments in:
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1992, page 232
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1994, page 252
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1995, page 256
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1996, page 269
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1997, page 280
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1998, page 280
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2001, page 310
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2002, page 319
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2003, page 337
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2004, page 331
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2006, page 341
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2017, page 407
Bibliog Item No: 41
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PNE
ACS international cricket year book 1992
Compiled by Philip Bailey
pub. 1992 by The Association of Cricket Statisticians, West Bridgford
A5. paperback (with spine)
232p., statistics.
Seventh edition.
Includes corrections to 1991 year book.
amendments in:
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1993, page 248
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1994, pages 251, 252
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1995, page 256
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1996, page 269
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1997, page 280
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1998, page 280
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1999, page 283
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2001, page 310
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2002, page 319
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2003, page 337
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2004, page 331
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2006, page 341
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2017, page 407
Bibliog Item No: 72
ISBN: 0947774246
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
ACS international cricket year book 1993
Compiled by Philip Bailey
pub. 1993 by The Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, West Bridgford
A5. paperback (with spine)
268p, statistics
Eighth edition.
Includes corrections to the 1992 year book.
amendments in:
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1994, page 251
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1995, page 255
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1996, page 269
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1997, page 280
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1998, page 280
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1999, page 283
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2000, page 287
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2001, page 310
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2003, page 337
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2004, page 331
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2007, page 375
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2010, page 419
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2015, page 490
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2017, page 407
Bibliog Item No: 40
ISBN: 0947774343
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PNE
ACS international cricket year book 1994
Compiled by Philip Bailey
pub. 1994 by The Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, West Bridgford
A5. paperback (with spine)
256p, statistics.
Ninth edition.
Includes corrections to previous year books.
amendments in:
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1995, page 255
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1996, page 268
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1997, page 280
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1998, page 280
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1999, page 283
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2000, page 287
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2001, page 310
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2003, page 337
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2004, page 330
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2006, page 341
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2015, page 490
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2017, page 407
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2018, page 428
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2019, page 457
Bibliog Item No: 73
ISBN: 0947774432
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
ACS international cricket year book 1995
Compiled by Philip Bailey
pub. 1995 by The Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, West Bridgford
A5. paperback (with spine)
256p, statistics
Tenth edition.
Includes corrections to previous year books.
amendments in:
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1996, page 268
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1997, page 280
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1998, page 280
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2000, page 287
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2001, page 310
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2003, page 337
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2004, page 330
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2015, page 490
Bibliog Item No: 39
ISBN: 0947774572
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PNE
ACS international cricket year book 1996
Compiled by Philip Bailey
pub. 1996 by The Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, West Bridgford
A5. paperback (with spine)
270p, statistics.
Eleventh edition.
Includes corrections to previous year books.
amendments in:
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1997, page 280
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1998, page 280
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1999, page 283
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2000, page 287
ACS International Cricket year Bbok 2001, page 310
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2002, page 319
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2003, page 336
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2004, page 330
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2006, page 341
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2007, page 375
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2017, page 407
Bibliog Item No: 32
ISBN: 0947774750
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PNE
ACS international cricket year book 1997
Compiled by Philip Bailey
pub. 1997? by The Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, West Bridgford
A5. paperback (with spine)
280p, statistics.
Twelfth edition.
Includes corretions to previous year books.
amendments in:
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1998, page 279
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1999, page 283
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2000, page 287
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2001, page 310
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2002, page 319
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2003, page 336
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2004, page 330
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2006, page 341
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2015, page 490
Bibliog Item No: 33
ISBN: 0947774971
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PNE
ACS international cricket year book 1998
Compiled by Philip Bailey
pub. 1998? by The Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, West Bridgford
A5. paperback (with spine)
280p, statistics.
Thirteenth edition.
Includes corrections to previous year books.
amendments in:
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1999, page 283
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2000, page 286
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2001, page 310
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2002, page 319
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2003, page 336
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2004, pages 329-330
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2006, page 341
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2007, page 375
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2011, page 480
Bibliog Item No: 74
ISBN: 190217111X
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
ACS international cricket year book 1999
Compiled by Philip Bailey
pub. 1999 by The Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, West Bridgford
A5. paperback (with spine)
283p, statistics
Fourteenth edition.
Includes corrections to previous year books.
amendments in:
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2000, page 286
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2001, page 309
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2002, page 319
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2003, page 336
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2004, page 329
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2006, page 341
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2018, page 428
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2019, page 457
Bibliog Item No: 75
ISBN: 1902171284
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
ACS international cricket year book 2000
Compiled by Philip Bailey
pub. 2000 by The Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, West Bridgford
A5. paperback (with spine)
288p, statistics
Fifteenth edition.
Includes corrections to prveious year books and to match lists.
amendments in:
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2001, pages 309, 319
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2002, page 317
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2003, page 336
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2004, page 329
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2006, page 340
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2007, page 375
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2010, page 418
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2015, page 490
Bibliog Item No: 67
ISBN: 1902171411
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PNE
ACS international cricket year book 2001
Compiled by Philip Bailey
pub. 2001 by The Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, West Bridgford
A5. paperback (with spine)
312 p., statistics.
Sixteenth edition.
Includes corrections to previous year books and to match lists.
amendments in:
Cricket Statistician number 116, page 4
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2002, pages 317, 318-320
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2003, pages 335-336
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2003, pages 328-329
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2006, page 340
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2007, page 375
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2009, page 424
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2018, page 428
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2019, page 457
Bibliog Item No: 66
ISBN: 1902171535
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PNE
ACS international cricket year book 2002
Compiled by Philip Bailey
pub. 2002 by The Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, West Bridgford
A5. paperback (with spine)
319 p., statistics.
Seventeenth edition.
Includes correctiotns to previou year books and to match lists.
amendments in:
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2003, pages 334-335
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2004, pages 327-328
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2005, page 340
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2006, page 340
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2007, page 374
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2008, page 384
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2009, page 424
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2010, page 418
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2017, page 407
Bibliog Item No: 76
ISBN: 1902171721
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
ACS international cricket year book 2003
Compiled by Philip Bailey
pub. 2003 by The Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, West Bridgford
A5. paperback (with spine)
337p, statistics
Eighteenth edition (incorectly called seventeenth on the cover).
Includes corrections to previous year books and to match lists.amendments in:
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2004, page 327
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2006, pages 339-340
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2010, page 418
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2011, page 480
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2012, page 458
Bibliog Item No: 77
ISBN: 1902171845
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
ACS international cricket year book 2004
Compiled by Philip Bailey
pub. 2004 by The Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, West Bridgford
A5. paperback (with spine)
332p, statistics
Nineteenth edition.
Includes corrections to previous year books.
amendments in:
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2005, page 340
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2006, page 339
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2007, page 374
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2009, page 424
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2012, page 458
Bibliog Item No: 78
ISBN: 1905138067
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
ACS international cricket year book 2005
Compiled by Philip Bailey
pub. 2005 by The Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, West Bridgford
A5. paperback (with spine)
340p, statistics
Twentieth edition.
Includes corrections to previous year books.
amendments in:
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2006, page 339
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2007, page 374
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2008, page 384
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2009, page 424
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2010, page 418
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2011, page 480
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2018, page 428
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2019, page 457
Bibliog Item No: 79
ISBN: 9781905138203
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
ACS international cricket year book 2006
Compiled by Philip Bailey
pub. 2006 by The Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, West Bridgford
A5. paperback (with spine)
341p, statistics
Twenty-first edition.
Includes corrections to previous year books.
amendments in:
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2007, page 374
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2008, page 384
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2009, page 424
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2010, page 418
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2012, page 458
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2022, page 412
Bibliog Item No: 80
ISBN: 9781905138401
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
ACS international cricket year book 2007
Compiled by Philip Bailey
pub. 2007 by The Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, West Bridgford
A5. paperback (with spine)
375p, statistics
Twenty-second edition.
Includes corrections to previous year books.
amendments in:
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2008, page 384
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2009, page 424
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2010, page 418
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2011, page 480
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2012, page 458
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2014, page 478
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2018, page 428
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2019, page 457
Bibliog Item No: 81
ISBN: 9781905138593
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
ACS international cricket year book 2008
Edited by Philip Bailey
pub. 2008 by The Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (with spine)
384p, statistics
Twenty-third edition.
Includes corrections to previous year books.
amendments in:
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2009, page 424
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2010, page 417
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2011, page 480
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2018, page 428
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2019, page 457
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2022, page 412
Bibliog Item No: 82
ISBN: 9781905138739
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
ACS international cricket year book 2009
Edited by Philip Bailey
pub. 2009 by The Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (with spine)
424p, statistics
Twenty-fourth edition.
Includes corrections to previous year books.
amendments in:
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2010, page 417
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2011, page 479
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2012, page 458
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2013, page 488
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2015, page 490
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2016, page 410
Bibliog Item No: 83
ISBN: 9781905138869
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
ACS international cricket year book 2010
Edited by Philip Bailey
pub. 2010 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (with spine)
420p., statistics
Twenty-fifth edition.
Includes corrections to previous year books.
amendments in:
ACS interntaional Cricket Year Book 2011, page 479
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2012, page 458
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2013, page 488
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2022, page 412
Bibliog Item No: 68
ISBN: 9781908165039
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PNE
ACS international cricket year book 2011
Edited by Philip Bailey
pub. 2011 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff.
A5. paperback (with spine)
480p., statistics
Twenty-sixth edition.
Includes corrections to previous year books.
amendments in:
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2012, page 458
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2013, page 488
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2015, page 490
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2016, page 410
Bibliog Item No: 84
ISBN: 9781908165183
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
ACS international cricket year book 2012
Edited by Philip Bailey
pub. 2012 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (with spine)
458p, statistics
Twenty-seventh edition.
Includes corrections to previous year books.
amendments in:
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2013, page 488
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2015, page 490
Bibliog Item No: 85
ISBN: 9781908165329
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
ACS international cricket year book 2013
Edited by Philip Bailey
pub. 2013 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (with spine)
488p, statistics
Twenty-eighth edition.
Includes corrections to previous year books.
amendments in:
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2014, page 478
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2015, page 490
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2016, page 410
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2017, page 407
Bibliog Item No: 86
ISBN: 9781908165442
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
ACS international cricket year book 2014
Edited by Philip Bailey
pub. 2014 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (with spine)
478p, statistics
Twenty-ninth edition.
Includes corrections to previous year books.
amendments in:
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2015, page 490
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2016, page 410
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2017, page 407
Bibliog Item No: 87
ISBN: 9781908165572
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
ACS international cricket year book 2015
Edited by Philip Bailey
pub. 2015 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (with spine)
490p, statistics
Thirtieth edition.
Includes corrections to previous year books.
amendments in:
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2016, page 410
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2017, pages 406-407
Bibliog Item No: 88
ISBN: 9781908165671
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
ACS international cricket year book 2016
Edited by Philip Bailey
pub. 2016 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (with spine)
410p, statistics
Thirty-first edition.
Includes corrections to previous year books.
amendmennts in:
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2017, page 406
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2018, page 428
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2019, page 457
Bibliog Item No: 89
ISBN: 9781908165794
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
ACS international cricket year book 2017
Edited by Philip Bailey
pub. 2017 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Cardiff
A5. paperback (with spine)
407p, statistics
Thirty-second edition.
Includes corrections to previous year books.
amendmennts in:
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2018, page 428
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2019, page 457
Bibliog Item No: 90
ISBN: 9781908165930
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
ACS international cricket year book 2018
Edited by Philip Bailey
pub. 2018 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Bedford
A5. paperback (with spine)
428p, statistics
Thirty-third edition.
Includes corrections to previous year books.
Amendments in:
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2022, page 412
Bibliog Item No: 91
ISBN: 9781912421077
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
ACS international cricket year book 2019
Edited by Philip Bailey
pub. 2019 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Bedford
A5. paperback (with spine)
578p, statistics
Thirty-fourth edition.
Includes corrections to previous year books.
amendmennts in:
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2020, page 543
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2022, page 412
Bibliog Item No: 92
ISBN: 9781912421145
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
ACS international cricket year book 2020
Edited by Philip Bailey
pub. 2020 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Bedford
A5. paperback (with spine)
543p, statistics
Thirty-fifth edition.
Includes corrections to the 2019 year book.
Amendments in:
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2022, page 412
Bibliog Item No: 440
ISBN: 9781912421268
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
ACS international cricket year book 2021
Edited by Philip Bailey
pub. 2021 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Bedford
A5. paperback (with spine)
461p., statistics
Thirty-sixth edition.
Includes corrections to previous year books.
Amendments in:
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2022, page 412
Bibliog Item No: 2031
ISBN: 9781912421343
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
ACS international cricket year book 2022
Edited by Philip Bailey
pub. 2022 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Bedford
A5. paperback (with spine)
412p., statistics
Thirty-seventh edition.
Includes corrections to previous year books.
Bibliog Item No: 4017
ISBN: 9781912421480
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
ACS international cricket year book 2023
Edited by Philip Bailey
pub. 2023 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Bedford
A5. paperback (with spine)
518p., statistics
Thirty-eighth edition.
Bibliog Item No: 9275
ISBN: 9781912421589
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
ACS international cricket year book 2024
Edited by Philip Bailey
pub. 2024 by Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, Bedford
A5. paperback (with spine)
558p., statistics
Thirty-ninth edition.
Bibliog Item No: 64
Padwick Volume II 0476
ISBN: 0600550982
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PNE and PDG
ACS international cricket yearbook 1987
Compiled by Peter Wynne-Thomas, Philip Bailey, John Stockwell
pub. 1987 by Hamlyn, Twickenham.
height: 18.6 cm; width: 11.7 cm. paperback (with spine)
224p., photographs, statistics.
Second edition.
amendments in:
Cricket Statistician number 59, page 5
Cricket Statistician number 60, page 4
Cricket Statistician number 61, pages 4, 36
Cricket Statistician number 62, page 6
ACS International Cricket Year Book 1996, page 270
ACS International Cricket Year Book 2017, page 407

There are 39 items on this page



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