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ACS Zimbabwe Match Scores

Bibliog Item No: 28
ISBN: 0947774521
Category: scores and/or statistics
Examined by PNE
Zimbabwe first-class matches 1993/94
pub. 1995 by The Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, West Bridgford
A5. paperback (staple bound)
22p, scores
Bibliog Item No: 576
ISBN: 0947774564
Category: scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
Zimbabwe first-class matches 1994/95
Compiled by John Ward
pub. 1995 by The Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, West Bridgford
A5. paperback (staple bound)
28p., scores
Bibliog Item No: 577
ISBN: 0947774726
Category: scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
Zimbabwe first-class matches 1995/96
Compiled by John Ward
pub. 1996 by The Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, West Bridgford
A5. paperback (staple bound)
20p., scores
Bibliog Item No: 578
ISBN: 0947774866
Category: scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
Zimbabwe first-class matches 1996/97
Compiled by John Ward
pub. 1997 by The Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, West Bridgford
A5. paperback (staple bound)
12p., scores
Zimbabwe Matches Scores Series No: 4
Bibliog Item No: 579
Gibbs Post Padwick 2803-1
ISBN: 9781905138319
Category: scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
Zimbabwe first-class matches 1997/98 - 2005/6
Compiled by Philip Bailey
pub. 2006 by The Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, West Bridgford
A5. paperback (with spine)
151p., scores
Zimbabwe Matches Scores Series No: 5
Bibliog Item No: 580
ISBN: 9781908165299
Category: scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
Zimbabwe first-class matches 2006 and 2006/07
Compiled by Philip Bailey; Edited by John Bryant
pub. 2012 by The Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians, West Bridgford
A5. paperback (with spine)
20p., scores
Zimbabwe Matches Scores Series No: 6

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