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Christopher Saunders Catalogues

Bibliog Item No: 10678
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue April 2024
Clearing the ropes
pub. 2024 by Christopher Saunders Books, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (with spine)
204p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-254)
Autographs - Individuals (items 255-301)
Autographs - Teams (items 302-362)
Letters (items 363-375)
Photographs (items 376-428)
Postcards (items 429-468)
Scorecards (items 469-474)
Extras (items 475-509)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 510-698)
Bibliog Item No: 10676
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue spring 2023
New season
pub. 2023 by Christopher Saunders Books, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (with spine)
194p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-192)
Autographs - Individuals (items 193-248)
Autographs - Teams (items 249-310)
Letters (items 311-329)
Photographs (items 330-412)
Postcards (items 413-450)
Scorecards (items 451-456)
Extras (items 457-497)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 498-667)
Bibliog Item No: 10677
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue November 2023
Next man in
pub. 2023 by Christopher Saunders Books, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (with spine)
203p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-257)
Autographs - Individuals (items 258-310)
Autographs - Teams (items 311-372)
Letters (items 373-397)
Photographs (items 398-442)
Postcards (items 443-488)
Scorecards (items 489-492)
Extras (items 493-535)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 536-711)
Bibliog Item No: 10675
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue October 2022
Stumps drawn
pub. 2022 by Christopher Saunders Books, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (with spine)
216p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-246)
Autographs - Individuals (items 247-305)
Autographs - Teams (items 306-365)
Letters (items 366-408)
Photographs (items 409-464)
Postcards (items 465-530)
Scorecards (items 531-541)
Extras (items 542-585)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 586-761)
Bibliog Item No: 10674
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue February 2022
Timetless Test
pub. 2022 by Christopher Saunders Books, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (with spine)
196p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-178)
Autographs - Individuals (items 179-214)
Autographs - Teams (items 215-282)
Letters (items 283-334)
Photographs (items 335-394)
Postcards (items 395-470)
Scorecards (items 471-480)
Extras (items 481-522)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 523-688)
Bibliog Item No: 10673
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue christmas 2021
pub. 2021 by Christopher Saunders Books, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (with spine)
[12]p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale
Bibliog Item No: 10444
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue winter 2020
Corridor of uncertainty
pub. 2020 by Christopher Saunders Books, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (with spine)
204p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-213)
Autographs - Individuals (items 214-255)
Autographs - Teams (items 256-300)
Letters (items 301-349)
Photographs (items 350-445)
Postcards (items 446-508)
Scorecards (items 509-522)
Extras (items 523-563)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 564-717)
Bibliog Item No: 10445
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue spring 2020
Cricket in sisolation
pub. 2020 by Christopher Saunders Books, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (with spine)
206p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-294)
Autographs - Individuals (items 295-334)
Autographs - Teams (items 335-381)
Letters (items 382-408)
Photographs (items 409-485)
Postcards (items 486-543)
Scorecards (items 544-564)
Extras - Odds and Ends (items 565-618)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 619-801)
Bibliog Item No: 10443
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue September 2019
The John White collection
pub. 2019 by Christopher Saunders Books, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (with spine)
236p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-84)
Yorshire Cricket Annuals and Part Works (items 85-112)
Autographs (items 113-229)
Letters (items 230-289)
Photographs (items 290-456)
Postcards (items 457-601)
Scorecards (items 602-664)
Cigarettes and Trade Cards (items 665-757)
Extras - Odds and Ends (items 758-822)
Bibliog Item No: 10442
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue December 2018
Backup up
pub. 2018 by Christopher Saunders Books, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (with spine)
155p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-253)
Autographs - Individuals (items 254-291)
Autographs - Teams (items 292-343)
Letters (items 344-378)
Photographs (items 379-437)
Postcards (items 438-486)
Scorecards (items 487-495)
Extras - Odds and Ends (items 496-543)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 544-718)
Bibliog Item No: 10440
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue March/April 2016
Between innings
pub. 2016 by Christopher Saunders Books, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (with spine)
196p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-360)
Autographs - Individuals (items 361-406)
Autographs - Teams (items 407-441)
Letters (items 442-476)
Photographs (items 477-523)
Postcards (items 524-586)
Scorecards (items 587-611)
Extras - Odds and Ends (items 612-671)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 672-833)
Bibliog Item No: 10441
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue December 2016
Hit wicket
pub. 2016 by Christopher Saunders Books, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (with spine)
184p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-330)
Autographs - Individuals (items 331-382)
Autographs - Teams (items 383-421)
Letters (items 422-455)
Photographs (items 456-511)
Postcards (items 512-577)
Scorecards (items 578-595)
Extras - Odds and Ends (items 596-674)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 675-853)
Bibliog Item No: 10439
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue August 2015
Testing times
pub. 2015 by Christopher Saunders Books, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (with spine)
180p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-411)
Autographs - Individuals (items 412-461)
Autographs - Teams (items 462-492)
Letters (items 493-531)
Photographs (items 532-568)
Postcards (items 569-624)
Scorecards (items 625-650)
Extras - Odds and Ends (items 651-700)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 701-882)
Bibliog Item No: 10432
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue December 2014
Start delayed
pub. 2014 by Christopher Saunders Books, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
[16]p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale
Bibliog Item No: 10430
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue April 2014
Start delayed
pub. 2014 by Christopher Saunders Books, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (with spine)
180p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-204)
Club Cricket (items 205-237)
Schools Cricket (items 238-240)
Overseas Cricket (items 241-278)
Tours and Tests (items 279-334)
Autographs - Individuals (items 335-377)
Autographs - Teams (items 378-407)
Letters (items 408-441)
Manuscripts (items 442-447)
Photographs (items 448-486)
Postcards (items 487-549)
Scorecards (items 550-579)
Scrapbooks (items 580-583)
Extras - Odds and Ends (items 584-651)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 652-838)
Bibliog Item No: 10429
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue July 2013
Full summer
pub. 2013 by Christopher Saunders Books, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (with spine)
180p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-317)
Autographs - Individuals (items 318-358)
Autographs - Teams (items 359-398)
Letters (items 399-435)
Photographs (items 436-477)
Postcards (items 478-557)
Scorecards (items 558-579)
Extras - Odds and Ends (items 580-633)
Sale (items 634-846)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 642-822)
Bibliog Item No: 10428
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue November 2012
Leg glance
pub. 2012 by Christopher Saunders Books, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (with spine)
168p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-247)
Autographs - Individuals (items 248-282)
Autographs - Teams (items 283-326)
Letters (items 327-347)
Photographs (items 348-373)
Postcards (items 374-452)
Scorecards (items 453-470)
Extras - Odds and Ends (items 471-506)
Sale (items 507-717)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 642-822)
Bibliog Item No: 10427
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue April/May 2012
Early season
pub. 2012 by Christopher Saunders Books, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (with spine)
152p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-338)
Autographs - Individuals (items 339-368)
Autographs - Teams (items 369-397)
Letters (items 398-422)
Photographs (items 423-463)
Postcards (items 464-543)
Scorecards (items 544-562)
Other Ephemera (items 563-596)
Sale (items 597-641)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 642-822)
Bibliog Item No: 10426
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue November 2011
"Well in"
pub. 2011 by Christopher Saunders Books, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (with spine)
184p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-351)
Autographs - Individuals (items 352-384)
Autographs - Teams (items 385-439)
Cigarette and Trade Cards (items 440-463)
Letters (items 464-501)
Photographs (items 502-556)
Postcards (items 557-680)
Scorecards (items 681-700)
Extras - Odds and Ends (items 701-748)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 749-903)
Bibliog Item No: 10425
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue May 2011
Late spring
pub. 2011 by Christopher Saunders Books, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (with spine)
148p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-323)
Autographs - Individuals (items 324-366)
Autographs - Teams (items 367-398)
Cigarette and Trade Cards (items 399-431)
Letters (items 432-457)
Photographs (items 458-500)
Postcards (items 501-636)
Scorecards (items 637-648)
Extras - Odds and Ends (items 649-689)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 690-847)
Bibliog Item No: 10424
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue November 2010
High hopes
pub. 2010 by Christopher Saunders Books, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (with spine)
156p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-355)
Autographs - Individuals (items 356-386)
Autographs - Teams (items 387-419)
Letters (items 420-443)
Photographs (items 444-497)
Postcards (items 498-579)
Scorecards (items 580-606)
Extras - Odds and Ends (items 607-667)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 668-868)
Bibliog Item No: 10422
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue March 2010
pub. 2010 by Christopher Saunders Books, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (with spine)
144p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-239)
Irving Rosenwater Limited Editions (items 240-252)
Tours and Tests (items 253-320)
Autographs - Teams (items 321-371)
Autographs - Individuals (items 372-385)
Cigarette and Trade Cards (items 386-398)
Craig Poems (items 399-404)
Letters (items 405-420)
Menus (items 421-435)
Photographs (items 436-454)
Bill Alley Collection (Items 455-464)
Pictures and Prints (items 465-477)
Postcards (items 478-499)
Scorecards (items 500-526)
Extras - Odds and Ends (items 527-537)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 538-734)
Bibliog Item No: 10421
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue October 2009
Fallen leaves
pub. 2009 by Christopher Saunders Books, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (with spine)
116p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-174)
Pelham Warner Collection (items 175-219)
Autographs (items 220-289)
Letters (items 290-303)
Photographs (items 304-327)
Postcards (items 328-392)
Scorecards (items 393-407)
Extras - Odds and Ends (items 408-431)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 432-687)
Bibliog Item No: 10420
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue May 2009
The Irving Rosenwater collection part III
pub. 2009 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (with spine)
[ii],122p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-316)
Autographs - Teams (items 317-329)
Autographs - Individuals (items 330-347)
Letters (items 348-384)
Menus and Christmas Cards (items 385-424)
Photographs (items 425-464)
Postcards (items 465-545)
Scorecards (items 546-561)
Other Ephemera (items 562-572)
Bibliog Item No: 10385
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue January 2009
Wisden Cricketers' Almanacks 1864-2008
pub. 2009 by Christopher Saunders Books, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
24p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale (items 1-320)
Bibliog Item No: 10383
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Publications list July 2008
pub. 2008 by Christopher Saunders Publishing Limited, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
[8]p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale (items 1-24)
Bibliog Item No: 10423
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Publications list autumn./winter 2010
pub. 2008 by Christopher Saunders Publishing Limited, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
[8]p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale (items 1-24)
Bibliog Item No: 10382
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Newsletter and Wisden stock list July 2008
pub. 2008 by Christopher Saunders Books, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
[20]p. including covers, photographs
Catalogue of items for sale (items 1-295)
Bibliog Item No: 10384
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue October 2008
Durham's delight
pub. 2008 by Christopher Saunders Books, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (with spine)
120p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-51)
Scrapbooks (items 52-54)
Annuals and Periodicals (items 55-74)
Biography/Autobiography (items 75-151)
Counties (items 152-219)
Clubs, Schools and Universities (items 220-252)
Overseas Cricket (items 253-281)
Tours and Tests (items 282-314)
Autographs (items 315-375)
Photographs (items 376-387)
Postcards (items 388-415)
Scorecards (items 416-446)
Extras - Odds and Ends (items 447-465)
Christopher Saunders Publishing (items 466-490)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 491-749)
Bibliog Item No: 10381
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue April 2008
The Irving Rosenwater collection part II
pub. 2008 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (with spine)
[ii],130p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-435)
Autographs - Teams (items 436-467)
Autographs - Individuals (items 468-491)
Letters (items 492-523)
Photographs (items 524-574)
Postcards (items 575-633)
Scorecards (items 634-662)
Bibliog Item No: 10738
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanack [list]
pub. 2007 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A4. stapled leaves
[10]p. including covers
Catalogue of 242 items for sale
Produced December 2007
Bibliog Item No: 10380
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue September 2007
The Roy Ramsbottom collection
pub. 2007 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (with spine)
100p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale (items 1-565)
Bibliog Item No: 10379
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue March 2007
Long hop
pub. 2007 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (with spine)
[i],123p. including covers, photographs
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-312)
Autographs - Teams (items 313-369)
Autographs - Individuals (items 370-458)
Cigarette and Trade Cards (items 459-476)
Letter (items 477-483)
Photographs (items 484-509)
Postcards (items 510-575)
Prints (items 576-595)
Scorecards (items 596-632)
Other Ephemera (items 633-654)
Christopher Saunders Publications (items 655-677)
New Books (items 678-683)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 684-882)
Bibliog Item No: 10378
Gibbs Post Padwick 0064-1, 5675-2
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue September 2006
The Irving Rosenwater collection part I
pub. 2006 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (with spine)
128p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-433)
Autographs - Teams (items 434-480)
Autographs - Individuals (items 481-524)
Menus (items 525-537)
Photographs - Teams (items 538-604)
Photographs - Individuals (items 605-649)
Postcards (items 650-680)
Scorecards (items 681-708)
Irving Rosenwater Limited Editions (items 709-751)
Bibliog Item No: 10376
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue May 2006
Square cut
pub. 2006 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
[i],67p. including covers
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-400)
Autograph Sheets (items 401-414)
Cigarette and Trade Cards (items 415-425)
Letters (items 426-433)
Photographs (items 434-444)
Postcards (items 445-500)
Prints (items 501-519)
Scorecards (items 520-524)
Signed Cuttings (items 525-530)
Extras - Odds and Ends (items 531-540)
Christopher Saunders Publications (items 541-560)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 561-803)
Bibliog Item No: 10375
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue January 2006
Lucky dip
pub. 2006 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
[i],79p. including covers
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-368)
Benefit Brochures (items 369-392)
Autograph Sheets (items 393-447)
Cigarette and Trade Cards (items 448-466)
Letters (items 467-480)
Photographs (items 481-543)
Postcards (items 544-579)
Scorecards (items 580-603)
Signed Cuttings (items 604-648)
Extras - Odds and Ends (items 649-667)
Christopher Saunders Publications (items 668-687)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 688-900)
Bibliog Item No: 10737
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue December 2006
pub. 2006 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A4. stapled leaves
12p. including covers, photographs
Catalogue of 246 Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks for sale
Bibliog Item No: 10373
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue May 2005
May mixture
pub. 2005 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
[i],59p. including covers
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-249)
Benefit Brochures (items 250-286)
Club and School Cricket (items 287-338)
Autographed Sheets/Album Pages (items 339-382)
Photographs (items 383-400)
Postcards (items 401-455)
Odds and Ends (items 456-477)
Christopher Saunders Publications (items 378-491)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 492-722)
Bibliog Item No: 10374
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue July 2005
Summer substitute
pub. 2005 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
[i],43p. including covers
Catalogue of items for sale
Recent Acquisitions - Books and Brochures (items 1-140)
The Ashes (items 141-197)
Postcards (items 198-248)
Autograph Sheets and Album Pages (items 249-289)
Odds and Ends (items 290-337)
Christopher Saunders Publications (items 338-353)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 354-576)
Bibliog Item No: 10341
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue January 2005
New year nuggets
pub. 2005 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
48p. including covers
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-207)
Autographed Album Pages/Sheets (items 208-261)
Chevallier Tayler and Vanity Fair Prints (items 262-265)
Letters (items 266-274)
Postcards (items 275-306)
Scorecards (items 307-320)
Odds and Ends (items 321-346)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 347-597)
Bibliog Item No: 10342
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue February 2005
February fodder
pub. 2005 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
52p. including covers
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-243)
Autographed Album Pages/Sheets (items 244-256)
Photographs (items 257-288)
Pictures and Prints (items 289-297)
Postcards (items 298-369)
Scorecards (items 370-382)
Odds and Ends (items 383-396)
Christopher Saunders Publications (items 397-408)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 409-663)
Bibliog Item No: 10340
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue September 2004
End of season 2004
pub. 2004 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
[i],59p. including covers
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-219)
Benefit Brochures (items 220-279)
Scorecards - Tours and Tests 1882 to 1959 (items 280-397)
Individual Autographs (items 398-449)
Photographs (items 450-464)
Postcards (items 465-483)
Odds and Ends (items 484-504)
Denise Dean Prints (items 505-508)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 509-728)
Bibliog Item No: 10339
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue June 2004
Summer 2004
pub. 2004 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
[i],59p. including covers
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-328)
Autographed Album Pages/Sheets (items 329-342)
Cigarette and Trade Card Sets (items 343-348)
Letters (items 349-358)
Photographs (items 359-364)
Postcards (items 365-398)
Scorecards (items 399-435)
Vanity Fair and Chevallier Tayler Prints (items 436-446)
Odds and Ends (items 447-458)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 459-761)
Bibliog Item No: 10337
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue May 2003
Spring sale part two
pub. 2003 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures N-Z (items 1-579)
Cigarette Card Sets (items 580-608)
Autograph Sheets/Pages (items 609-758)
Postcards (items 759-913)
Letters, Prints, Scorecards Etc (items 914-1115)
Bibliog Item No: 10335
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue February 2003
Midwinter medley
pub. 2003 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
Catalogue of items for sale
New Acquisitions (items 1-331)
County Yearbooks (items 332-511)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 1-249)
Bibliog Item No: 10338
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue December 2003
December delights
pub. 2003 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-382)
Tours and Tests (items 383-553)
Overseas Annuals (items 554-610)
Autograph Sheets/Album Pages (items 611-683)
Postcards, Postcard-sized Photographs and Carte de Visite Photographs (items 684-811)
Extras (items 812-828)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 829-1061)
Bibliog Item No: 10336
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue April 2003
Spring sale
pub. 2003 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures A-M (items 1-1212)
Bibliog Item No: 10764
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanack [list] January 2002
pub. 2002 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A4. stapled leaves
[i],9p. including covers
Catalogue of 253 items for sale
Bibliog Item No: 10736
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
List of Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks May 2002
pub. 2002 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A4. stapled leaves
[i],9p. including covers
Catalogue of 262 items for sale
Bibliog Item No: 10334
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue September 2002
End of season
pub. 2002 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Pamphlets (items 1-481)
Autographs, Ceramics, Postcards, Prints Etc (items 482-598)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 1-237)
Bibliog Item No: 10333
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue February 2002
Wet wickets
pub. 2002 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Pamphlets (items 1-422)
Autographs, Ceramics, Postcards, Prints &c (items 423-650)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 1-230)
Bibliog Item No: 10765
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanack [list] July 2001
pub. 2001 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A4. stapled leaves
[i],9p. including covers
Catalogue of 264 items for sale
Bibliog Item No: 10332
Gibbs Post Padwick 0064
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue September 2001
Farewell to the Ashes
pub. 2001 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
Catalogue of items for sale
England v Australia 1861-1997 (items 1-605)
New Acquisitions (items 606-728)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 1-201)
Bibliog Item No: 10155
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue May 2001
May blossom
pub. 2001 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Pamphlets (items 1-169)
Odds and Ends (items 170-180)
County Yearbooks (items 181-338)
Cigarette and trade Cards (items 339-404)
Instructional Books (items 405-466)
West Indies (items 467-716)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 1-159)
Bibliog Item No: 10154
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue March 2001
March Hare
pub. 2001 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
Catalogue of items for sale
New Acvquisitions (items 1-65)
Club Histories (items 1-291)
New Zealand (items 1-322)
Individual Autographs (items 1-64)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 1-159)
Bibliog Item No: 10153
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue January 2001
January jamboree
pub. 2001 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Brochures (items 1-423)
Benefit Brochures (items 1-368)
Postcards - Individuals (items 1-232)
Postcards - Teams (items 1-333)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 1-187)
Bibliog Item No: 10152
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue November 2000
Winter warmer
pub. 2000 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
Catalogue of items for sale
New Acaquisitions (items 1-395)
Letters (items 1-44)
Autograph Sheets (items 1-45)
Overseas Annuals (items 1-111)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 1-210)
Bibliog Item No: 10149
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue June 2000
The county scene part one
pub. 2000 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
Catalogue of items for sale
Derbyshire (items 1-88)
Durham (items 1-9)
Essex (items 1-123)
Glamorgan (items 1-33)
Gloucestershire (items 1-135)
Hampshire (items 1-142)
Kent (items 1-203)
Lancashire (items 1-147)
Leicestershire (items 1-120)
Middlesex (items 1-205)
Bibliog Item No: 10150
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue June 2000
The county scene part two
pub. 2000 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
[82 - numberd 90-181]p.
Catalogue of items for sale
Northamptonshire (items 1-63)
Nottinghamshire (items 1-112)
Somerset (items 1-123)
Surrey (items 1-199)
Sussex (items 1-148)
Warwickshire (items 1-98)
Worcestershire (items 1-84)
Yorkshire (items 1-226)
Recent Acquisitions (items 1-114)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 1-218)
Bibliog Item No: 10148
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue February 2000
Millennium mixture
pub. 2000 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
Catalogue of items for sale
Some recent acquisitions (items 1-119)
Limited Editions - Many Signed (items 1-73)
Signed Books and Brochures (items 1-193)
Overseas Cricket Annual (items 1-50)
Signed Benefit Brochures (items 1-93)
Domestic One-Day Cup Cricket (items 1-73)
Scorecards - 1872 to 1913 (items 1-60)
Pictures and Prints (items 1-74)
Ceramics (items 1-35)
Other Memorabilia (items 1-26)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 1-234)
Bibliog Item No: 10147
Gibbs Post Padwick 0065
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue November 1999
Tours and Tests 1859-1999
pub. 1999 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
Catalogue of items for sale
Tours and Tests (items 1-1216)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 1-171)
Bibliog Item No: 10146
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue August 1999
Bumper bundle
pub. 1999 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Pamphlets (items 1-689)
Club Cricket (items 1-164)
Cigarette and trade Cards (items 1-38)
Postcards - Teams (items 1-90)
Postcards - Individuals (items 1-218)
Autographed team Sheets (items 1-163)
Cabinet and Carte de Visite Photographs (items 1-21)
Letters (items 1-57)
Vanity Fair Prints (items 1-13)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 1-220)
Bibliog Item No: 10145
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue April 1999
April showers
pub. 1999 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Pamphlets (items 1-388)
Benefit Brochures (items 1-83)
First Day Covers (items 1-30)
Supplements (items 1-63)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 1-211)
Bibliog Item No: 10143
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue October 1998
Autumn leaves
pub. 1998 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Pamphlets (items 1-618)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 1-243)
Bibliog Item No: 10116
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue May 1998
Spring selection
pub. 1998 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham on Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Pamphlets (items 1-659)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 1-189)
Bibliog Item No: 10114
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue Janaury 1998
pub. 1998 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham on Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Pamphlets (items 1-554)
Postcards (items 1-217)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 2-133)
Bibliog Item No: 10115
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue February 1998
pub. 1998 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham on Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Pamphlets (items 1-555)
Team Postcards (items 1-39)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 1-158)
Bibliog Item No: 10144
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue December 1998
Mince pie
pub. 1998 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Pamphlets (items 1-320)
Cabinet and Carte de Visite Photographs (items 1-36)
Cigarette and Trade Cards (items 1-212)
Postcards - Teams (items 1-95)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 1-232)
Bibliog Item No: 10117
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue August 1998
Summer pudding
pub. 1998 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham on Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Pamphlets (items 1-539)
Signed Cornhill Cards (items 1-9)
Autographed Ephemera (items 1-69)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 1-204)
Bibliog Item No: 10112
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue June 1997
Summer selection - books, pamphlets and Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks
pub. 1997 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham on Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Pamphlets (items 1-239)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (195 items)
Bibliog Item No: 10110
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue January 1997
Signed material and Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks
pub. 1997 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham on Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
Catalogue of items for sale
Books (items 1-132)
Non Book Material (items 1-454)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (173 items)
Bibliog Item No: 10113
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue December 1997
Christmas cracker
pub. 1997 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham on Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Pamphlets (items 1-218)
Benefit Brochures (items 219-238)
Cabinet and Carte de Visite Photographs (items 239-250)
Cigarette and Trade Cards (items 251-263)
Silk Scorecards (items 264-270)
Other Sports and Games (items 271-286)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (items 2-190)
Bibliog Item No: 10732
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanack stock list May 1996
pub. 1996 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A4. stapled leaves
[i],11p. including covers
Catalogue of items for sale
Bibliog Item No: 10768
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Scorecards 1867-1990 [list] June 1996
pub. 1996 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A4. stapled leaves
[2]p. including covers
Catalogue of items for sale
Bibliog Item No: 10767
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Recent acquisitions [list] June 1996
pub. 1996 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A4. stapled leaves
[i],5p. including covers
Catalogue of 56 items for sale
Bibliog Item No: 10734
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Every one a tenner! Three for £20.00! [list]
pub. 1996 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A4. stapled leaves
[6]p. including covers
Catalogue of items for sale
Produced July 1996
Bibliog Item No: 10111
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue September 1996
Recent acquisitions and Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks
pub. 1996 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham on Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
Catalogue of items for sale
Some Recent Acquisitions (items 1-82)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (290 items)
Bibliog Item No: 10735
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue July/August 1996
pub. 1996 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A4. stapled leaves
[i],3p. including covers
Catalogue of items for sale
Bibliog Item No: 10733
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Benefit brochures etc [list]
pub. 1996 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A4. stapled leaves
[8]p. including covers
Catalogue of items for sale
Produced July 1996
Bibliog Item No: 10769
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Annuals, yearbooks etc [list] June 1996
pub. 1996 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A4. stapled leaves
[4]p. including covers
Catalogue of items for sale
Bibliog Item No: 10730
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanack stock list October 1995
pub. 1995 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A4. stapled leaves
[i],11p. including covers
Catalogue of items for sale
Bibliog Item No: 10726
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanack stock list May 1995
pub. 1995 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A4. stapled leaves
[i],9p. including covers
Catalogue of items for sale
Bibliog Item No: 10729
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Limited editions [list]
pub. 1995 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A4. stapled leaves
[i],3p. including covers
Catalogue of 26 items for sale
Produced June 1995
Bibliog Item No: 10727
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Letters from cricketers [list]
pub. 1995 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A4. stapled leaves
8p. including covers
Catalogue of 237 items for sale
Produced May 1995
Bibliog Item No: 10731
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Christmas 1995 [list]
pub. 1995 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A4. stapled leaves
[ii],6p. including covers
Catalogue of items for sale
Bibliog Item No: 10725
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanack stock list August 1994
pub. 1994 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A4. stapled leaves
[i],9p. including covers
Catalogue of items for sale
Bibliog Item No: 10723
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanack stock list December 1993
pub. 1993 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A4. stapled leaves
[i],11p. including covers
Catalogue of items for sale
Bibliog Item No: 10722
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanack stock list August 1993
pub. 1993 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A4. stapled leaves
[i],13p. including covers
Catalogue of items for sale
Bibliog Item No: 10724
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Christmas miscellany December 1993 [list]
pub. 1993 by Christopher Saunders, Newnham-on-Severn
A4. stapled leaves
[i],9p. including covers
Catalogue of items for sale
Signed Caricatures (item 1)
Commemorative Hnadkerchiefs (items 2-4)
Pre War Postcards (items 5-64)
19th Century Postcards fro 1866-1890 (items 65-96)
Cricketers of Vanity Fair (items 97-111)
Chevallier Tayler "The Empire's Cricketers" (item 112)
Bibliog Item No: 10109
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue 4 May 1993
Lesser lights
pub. 1993 by Christopher Saunders Orchard Books, Newnham on Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
54p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale
Early Days (items 1-12)
Leagues and Cups (items 13-22)
General Club Cricket (items 23-32)
National Associations (items 33-37)
Clubs - Army, Firms, Wandering etc (items 38-72)
Clubs - Including Minor Counties (items 73-291)
Women's Cricket (items 292-301)
Schools (items 302-366)
Scotland (items 367-404)
Ireland (items 405-418)
Outside the British Isles (items 419-455)
Miscellaneous (items 456-470)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (147 items)
Bibliog Item No: 10108
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue 3 December 1992
Victorian values
pub. 1992 by Christopher Saunders Orchard Books, Newnham on Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
40p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale
Books and Memorabilia (items 1-206)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (127 items)
Bibliog Item No: 10107
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue 2 September 1992
People and places
pub. 1992 by Christopher Saunders Orchard Books, Newnham on Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
59p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale
Derbyshire (items 1-24)
Essex (items 25-50)
Glamorgan (items 51-54)
Gloucestershire (items 55-110)
Hampshire (items 111-134)
Kent (items 135-169)
Lancashire (items 170-210)
Leicestershire (items 211-226)
Middlesex (items 227-288)
Northamptonshire (items 289-299)
Nottinghamshire (items 300-321)
Somerset (items 322-335)
Surrey (items 336-400)
Sussex (items 401-452)
Warwickshire (items 453-479)
Worcestershire (items 480-491)
Yorkshire (items 492-540)
General County Cricket (items 541-574)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (124 items)
Bibliog Item No: 10106
Category: catalogue
Examined by PDG
Catalogue 1 - March 1992
Tours and Tests
pub. 1992 by Christopher Saunders Orchard Books, Newnham on Severn
A5. paperback (staple bound)
43p., photographs
Catalogue of items for sale
Tours and Tests (items 1-326)
Wisden's Cricketers' Almanacks (122 items)

There are 93 items on this page



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