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The Society of Cricket Statisticians

Bibliog Item No: 1540
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 3160
Category: quarterly periodical; society/association
Examined by PDG
The field of cricket
Official journal of the Society of Cricket Statisticians
pub. 1947 by The Cricket Book Society, Hunstanton on behalf of The Society of Cricket Statisticians
height: 19.5 cm; width: 12.5 cm. paperback (with spine)
48p., photographs, statistics
Vol 1 No 1 July 1947
This was the only issue
Bibliog Item No: 1538
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 3159
Category: annual; society/association
Examined by PDG
The Society of Cricket Statisticians year book 1946-47
pub. 1947 by The Society of Cricket Statisticians
height: 20 cm; width: 13 cm. paperback (with spine)
27p., statistics
Corrections in Year Book 1947-48
Bibliog Item No: 1539
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 3159
Category: annual; society/association
Examined by PDG
The Society of Cricket Statisticians year book 1947-48
pub. 1948 by The Society of Cricket Statisticians
height: 20 cm; width: 13 cm. paperback (with spine)
27p., statistics
includes updates to Year Book 1946-47

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