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Items Published in 1884

Bibliog Item No: 7441
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 2524
Category: scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
Spybey's annual register of Nottinghamshire cricket matches season 1884
pub. 1884 by F. G.Spybey, London
height: 18 cm; width: 12 cm. hardback
52p, scores, statistics
Second edition
Eighth year of publication
Bibliog Item No: 7442
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 2524
Category: scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
Spybey's annual register of Nottinghamshire cricket matches season 1885
pub. 1884 by F. G.Spybey, London
height: 18 cm; width: 12 cm. hardback
60p, scores, statistics
Ninth year of publication

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