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Items Published in 1888

Bibliog Item No: 8756
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 6683
Category: general history
Examined by PDG
The game of cricket
Author: Frederick Gale
pub. 1888 by Swan Sonnenschein & Co, London
height: 18.5 cm; width: 12.5 cm. hardback
viii,274p., photograph
Bibliog Item No: 2791
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 1087
Category: annual
Examined by PNE
James Lillywhite's cricketers' annual for 1888
Edited by Charles W Alcock
pub. 1888 by James Lillywhite, Frowd, and Wright & Co., London.
height: 17 cm; width: 11.5 cm. paperback (with spine)
269 p., photographs, scores, statistics.
17th year.
Bibliog Item No: 10668
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 7729
Category: biography
Examined by MC
A short biography of Walter A Humphreys
The famous Sussex cricketer
Author: AJ Gaston
pub. [1888] by Privately published, Brighton
height: 18.5 cm; width: 12.5 cm. pamphlet
8p, statistics

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