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Items Published in 1904

Bibliog Item No: 13665
Padwick Volume II 3391
Category: humour
Comic sport and pastime
Author: Alan Wright and E. Vernon Stokes
pub. 1904? by Frederick Warne a& Co., London
47p., illustrations (some colour)
Cricket illustration and poem, pages 22-23
Source: Padwick Volume II
Bibliog Item No: 10646
Padwick Volume II 3736
Category: biography
George Hirst's benefit at Headingley, August 1904
My cricketing career
pub. 1904 by Pudsey Echo, Leeds
16p., illustrations
Source: Padwick Volume II
Bibliog Item No: 13440
Padwick Volume II 3250
Category: anthology; song
Harrow School song book
Complete edition 1862-1904
pub. 1904 by Harrow School Musical Society, Harrow
Consolidated edition of 'Padwick I' 6574
Source: Padwick Volume II
Bibliog Item No: 8121
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 3025
Category: club history
Examined by PDG
The history of Yorkshire county cricket 1833-1903
Author: R. S. Holmes
pub. 1904 by Archibald Constable and Co Ltd, London
height: 22.5 cm; width: 14.5 cm. hardback
[viii],298p., photographs, scores, statistics, index
Bibliog Item No: 1934
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 1052
Category: annual
Examined by IF
John Wisden's cricketers' almanack for 1904
Containing full scores and bowling analyses of important matches played in 1903
Edited by Sydney H. Pardon
pub. 1904 by John Wisden & Co, London
height: 15.3 cm; width: 10 cm. paperback (with spine)
cxl,492p. including covers, photographs, scores, statistics
Forty-first edition
Bibliog Item No: 13450
Padwick Volume II 3259
Category: song
The josser cricketer
The true story of a Test match
Author: Mark Sheridan
pub. 1904 by T.B.Harms and Francis, Day & Hunter, U.S.A.
Source: Padwick Volume II
Bibliog Item No: 10348
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 467, 910
Category: coaching/technique
Examined by PDG
The jubilee book of cricket
Author: K. S. Ranjitsinhji
pub. 1904? by Thomas Nelson & Sons, London
height: 16 cm; width: 10.5 cm. hardback
382p., photographs
Bibliog Item No: 12288
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 2143
Category: annual
Examined by JW
Kent County Cricket Club
Rules, list of subscribers, matches played in 1903, report, fixtures for 1904
pub. 1904
height: 13 cm; width: 9.5 cm. hardback
200p., scores, statistics
Bibliog Item No: 11772
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 908
Category: scores and/or statistics
Examined by RW
Scores and analyses 1864-1881
A collection
Compiled by J. B. Payne
pub. 1904 by J. B. Payne, Harrogate
height: 22 cm; width: 14.5 cm. hardback
64p., index
Limited edition of 100 copies

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