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Items Published in 1906

Bibliog Item No: 5721
Padwick Volume II 3210
Category: children's fiction
The adventures of Harry Richester
Author: Herbert Strang
pub. 1906 by Blackie, London
Cricket in chapter 1
Collaboration between George Herbert Ely and C.J. L'Estrange

Source: Padwick Volume II
Bibliog Item No: 5439
Padwick Volume II 3067
Category: fiction
Concerning Paul and Fiametta
Author: Lizzie Allen Harker
pub. 1906 by Edward Arnold, London
Chapter xv 'Fiametta's test cricket match'
Source: Padwick Volume II
Bibliog Item No: 8983
Padwick Volume I (second edition) Pi-1977
Category: general history
Cricket in North Hants
Records and reminiscences
Author: John May
pub. 1906 by Warren, Basingstoke
x,192p., illustrations, scores
Source: Padwick Volume I (second edition)
Bibliog Item No: 1936
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 1052
Category: annual
Examined by IF
John Wisden's cricketers' almanack for 1906
Containing full scores and bowling analyses of the chief matches played in 1905
Edited by Sydney H. Pardon
pub. 1906 by John Wisden & Co, London
height: 15.7 cm; width: 10 cm. paperback (with spine)
clx,555p. including covers, photographs, scores, statistics
Forty-third edition
Bibliog Item No: 12286
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 2143
Category: annual
Examined by JW
Kent County Cricket Club
Rules, list of subscribers, matches played in 1905, balance sheet, reports, list of pictures and ornaments etc., fixtures for 1906
pub. 1906
height: 13 cm; width: 9.5 cm. hardback
204p., scores, statistics
Bibliog Item No: 5670
Padwick Volume II 3180
Category: children's fiction
The white stone
Illustrated by G.D. Rowlandson
Author: Herbert C. MacIlwaine
pub. 1906 by Gardner, Darton and Co., Wells
viii,408p., illustrations
Cricket in chapter xvi
Padwick Volume II

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