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Items Published in 1931

Bibliog Item No: 2276
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 1034
Category: annual
Examined by PDG
Athletic News cricket annual 1931
With Test match supplement
Edited by Ivan Sharpe
pub. 1931 by Athletic News, London and Manchester
height: 14 cm; width: 10 cm. paperback (with spine)
192p., photographs, scores, statistics
Fortieth year
Bibliog Item No: 5707
Padwick Volume II 3197
Category: children's fiction
Barnston's big year
Author: Michael Poole
pub. [1931] by Blackie, London
Cricket in chapters iii, iv and vii
Author's real name Reginald Heber Poole

Source: Padwick Volume II
Bibliog Item No: 1475
Category: annual
Examined by PDG
Berkshire County Cricket Club handbook and list of members 1931
pub. 1931 by Berkshire County Cricket Club, [Maidenhead]
height: 18 cm; width: 14 cm. paperback (staple bound)
36p., includes statistics
See https://crickethistory.website/county/berkshire/1931_berkshire_ccc_yearbook/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 5655
Padwick Volume II 3167
Category: children's fiction
Captain of Claverhouse
Author: Walter Reginald Hammond
pub. 1931
The Boys Friend Library No 293
Source: Padwick Volume II
Bibliog Item No: 2196
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 1713
Category: annual
Examined by PDG
Cricket clubs' annual 1931 and English secretarial directory
The official annual handbook of the Club Cricket Conference
Edited by E.A.C.Thomson
pub. 1931 by The Club Cricket Conference, London
height: 18 cm; width: 12 cm. hardback
288p., scores
Fifteenth edition
Bibliog Item No: 5701
Padwick Volume II 3192
Category: children's fiction
Miss Spitfire' at school
Author: Mary Louise Parker
pub. 1931 by Sampson Low, London
Cricket in chapters v and vi
Source: Padwick Volume II
Bibliog Item No: 7327
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 3445
Category: annual
Examined by PDG
New South Wales Cricket Association year book together with annual report and balance sheet 1930-1931
pub. 1931
height: 18 cm; width: 12.5 cm. paperback (with spine)
317p., photographs, scores, statistics
Bibliog Item No: 1375
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 1092
Category: annual
Examined by PDG
News Chronicle cricket annual 1931
Author: Frank Thorogood
pub. 1931 by News Chronicle Punlications Department, London
height: 13.5 cm; width: 10 cm. paperback (with spine)
128p., scores, statistics
Bibliog Item No: 5658
Padwick Volume II 3169
Category: children's fiction
Shandy of the shell
A School Story
Author: Arthur Lincoln Haydon
pub. 1931 by Warne, London
Chapter 1: 'At Lord's'
Source: Padwick Volume II
Bibliog Item No: 5620
Padwick Volume II 3137
Category: children's fiction
The term of thrills
Author: Hylton Reginald Cleaver
pub. 1931 by Frederick Warne & Co, London
Cricket in chapters ix, xvi and xxiii
Source: Padwick Volume II
Bibliog Item No: 2611
Category: annual; women's cricket
Examined by PDG
Women's Cricket Association report, 1931
pub. 1931
height: 21.5 cm; width: 13.5 cm. paperback (staple bound)
32p., scores, statistics
See https://womenscrickethistory.org/Yearbook/1931/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 2776
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 1214
Category: monthly periodical; women's cricket
Examined by PDG
Women's Cricket Volume 2, No 1 May 1931
The official organ of the Women's Cricket Association
Edited by Marjorie Pollard
pub. 1931 by Women's Cricket Association
height: 24 cm; width: 18.5 cm. paperback (staple bound)
20p., photographs, statistics, scores
See https://womenscrickethistory.org/Magazine/1931/Vol_2_No_1/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 2777
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 1214
Category: monthly periodical; women's cricket
Examined by PDG
Women's Cricket Volume 2, No 2 June 1931
The official organ of the Women's Cricket Association
Edited by Marjorie Pollard
pub. 1931 by Women's Cricket Association
height: 24 cm; width: 18.5 cm. paperback (staple bound)
20p., photographs, scores
See https://womenscrickethistory.org/Magazine/1931/Vol_2_No_2/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 2778
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 1214
Category: monthly periodical; women's cricket
Examined by PDG
Women's Cricket Volume 2, No 3 July 1931
The official organ of the Women's Cricket Association
Edited by Marjorie Pollard
pub. 1931 by Women's Cricket Association
height: 24 cm; width: 18.5 cm. paperback (staple bound)
20p., photographs, scores
See https://womenscrickethistory.org/Magazine/1931/Vol_2_No_3/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 2779
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 1214
Category: monthly periodical; women's cricket
Examined by PDG
Women's Cricket Volume 2, No 4 August 1931
The official organ of the Women's Cricket Association
Edited by Marjorie Pollard
pub. 1931 by Women's Cricket Association
height: 24 cm; width: 18.5 cm. paperback (staple bound)
16p., photographs, scores
See https://womenscrickethistory.org/Magazine/1931/Vol_2_No_4/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 2780
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 1214
Category: monthly periodical; women's cricket
Examined by PDG
Women's Cricket Volume 2, No 5 September 1931
The official organ of the Women's Cricket Association
Edited by Marjorie Pollard
pub. 1931 by Women's Cricket Association
height: 24 cm; width: 18.5 cm. paperback (staple bound)
20p., photographs, statistics, scores
See https://womenscrickethistory.org/Magazine/1931/Vol_2_No_5/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 8148
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 3051
Category: annual
Examined by PDG
Yorkshire County Cricket Club thirty-ninth annual issue
Season 1931
Edited by J. H. Nash
pub. 1931 by Yorkshire County Cricket Club Committee
height: 16 cm; width: 11 cm. hardback
288p., scores, statistics

There are 17 items on this page



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