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Items Published in 1936

Bibliog Item No: 6400
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 2260
Category: annual
Examined by PDG
1936 official handbook of the Lancashire County and Manchester Cricket Club
Compiled by J. A. Brierley
pub. 1936 by J.A.Andrew & Co Ltd, Ashton-under-Lyne
height: 19 cm; width: 12.5 cm. hardback
128p., photographs, statistics
second year of new issue
Bibliog Item No: 2281
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 1034
Category: annual
Examined by PDG
Athletic News cricket annual 1936
Edited by Ivan Sharpe
pub. 1936 by Athletic News, London and Manchester
height: 14 cm; width: 10 cm. paperback (with spine)
192p., photographs, scores, statistics
Forty-fifth year
Bibliog Item No: 5552
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 125
Category: annual; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
Cricket facts & figures 1936
And a list of cricket books
Compiled by E. L. Roberts
pub. 1936 by E. F. Hudson, Ltd, Birmingham
height: 10.5 cm; width: 8.5 cm. paperback (staple bound)
[iv],28p., statistics
Bibliog Item No: 1921
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 1052
Category: annual
Examined by IF
John Wisden's cricketers' almanack for 1936
Containing full scores and bowling analyses of the chief matches played in 1935
Edited by Wilfrid H. Brookes
pub. 1936 by John Wisden & Co, London
height: 16 cm; width: 10 cm. paperback (with spine)
356,680p including covers, scores, photographs, statistics, obituaries.
Seventy-third edition
Bibliog Item No: 10372
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 2143
Category: annual
Examined by PDG
Kent County Cricket Club 1935
Rules, list of subscribers, matches played in 1935, balance sheet, report, list of pictures and ornaments, etc
pub. 1936
height: 13 cm; width: 9.5 cm. hardback
318p. scores, statistics
Bibliog Item No: 10390
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 3751
Category: general history; scores and/or statistics
Examined by PDG
New Zealand cricket 1913-1933
Author: T. W. Reese
pub. 1936 by Whitcombe & Tombs Limited
height: 22 cm; width: 14 cm. hardback
594p., photographs, scores, statistics
Bibliog Item No: 1370
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 1092
Category: annual
Examined by PDG
News Chronicle cricket annual 1936
Author: Frank Thorogood
pub. 1936 by News Chronicle Punlications Department, London
height: 13.5 cm; width: 10 cm. paperback (with spine)
128p., scores, statistics
Bibliog Item No: 2613
Category: annual; women's cricket
Examined by PDG
Women's Cricket Association report, 1936
pub. 1936
height: 20.5 cm; width: 13.5 cm. paperback (staple bound)
83p., scores, statistics
See https://womenscrickethistory.org/Yearbook/1936/index.html for on-line version
Bibliog Item No: 8153
Padwick Volume I (second edition) 3051
Category: annual
Examined by PDG
Yorkshire County Cricket Club forty-fourth annual report
Season 1936
Edited by J. H. Nash
pub. 1936 by Yorkshire County Cricket Club Committee
height: 16 cm; width: 11 cm. hardback
288p., scores, statistics

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