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Research by Tony Percival

During his research for the ACS books Cambridgeshire Cricketers and Northumberland Cricketers, Tony and his correspondents collected a lot of scores copied from local newspapers, books, annuals, scorebooks and other places. They are all shown here. Note that printouts of scorecards from the websites CricInfo and CricketArchive are not includedunless they have changes marked on them. The newspapers have been through many processes to get to this point, tightly bound into books, microfilmed, printed, scanned, so not all of the images are easy to read. They are the best that can be done with the material that is available in Tony's binders. Because of the amount of material, Tony filed it in ring binders. Each ring binider is shown separately, although there is no significance in the split between binders other than chronological.

Other material collected by Tony

Uppdates to books written by Tony