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Name Index of the Buckley Books: I

Compiled by Don Ambrose

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NameMatchDateVenueVolume, page
IggledonRomney Marsh v TenterdenTues. 24.7.1787New Romney18th C. Page 116.
Ingram, MrMoulsey Hurst v HornchurchFri. 13.6.1788Hornchurch18th C. Page 125.
IngramSurrey v Hampshire30.7.-1.8.1789Moulsey HurstPre-Vic.Page 19.
Ingram Surrey v MiddlesexThur. 24.6.1790Lord's18th C. Page 145.
InmanMelton Mowbray v BinghamWed. - Thur. 17-18.9.1800Hose, Leicestershire18th C. Page 204.
Ireland, RichBrighton v LewesThur. - Fri. 27-28.8.1795Houndean Bottom, Lewes18th C. Page 172.
Irish, Mr. of SteyningHenfield v DorkingFri. 5.6.1772HenfieldPre-Vic.Page 7.
Irons, MrEngland v ChertseyThur. & Fri. 10-11.9.1778Laleham Burway18th C. Page 86.

18 C. is Freesh Light on 18th Century Cricket
Pre-Vic. is Fresh Light on pre-Victorian Cricket
Spellings are as given in the books - no attempt has been made to correct them.